1st Voice Recording, December 27th 14:36
Voice : Hey, Hello? Is this working? Oh yeah, it is. Welcome to the Wedding uhm... Recording? Yeah, that's it! I am going to marry Brad, We are currently engaged and are going to get married, TODAY!! Yaaay! I am so exited! So i got myself a wedding dress, ofcourse duuh, And Pretty flowers my mom made for me! Soooe... Im coming back in a few moments.
Recording Stops-
2nd Voice Recording, December 27th 15:17
Voice: Hey, im back again. So my mom just came, and she cried! She must be more happier then i am! And i saw the wedding cake and its huuuuge! Well, i have to put on my makeup now, See ya in a bit!
Recording stops-
3rd Voice Recording, December 27th 18:13
Voice: Uhm, Hello? Hey, we just heard an explosion. Uhh.. We have been told to stay inside. Yeah im gonna stop recording for a sec.. uhm see ya.
Recording stops-
4rd Voice Recording, December 27th 20:47
Voice: Oh, my god. Brad!? Brad! Brad!! Where are youu *Crying is heard* Brad!! *Voices heard in the background* Who is that? *Shouting* No, who are you?! No! *Fast steps is heard*
Recording stops-
5th Voice Recording, December 29th 15:32
*Running is heard* Voice: Is that a dead man?!? Oh, my god! Oh my god, oh my god, og my god *Dogs Barking is heard* Oh no, i have to g .... *Silence for 13 sec*
Recording stops-