Why leave?
I’ve been seeing so much of those, “I’m leaving skins” and it just bothers me so much. If you’re going to leave because you hate PMC, why leave with a crowd of people throwing bottles at you? Just quietly exit, I’m sure someone will catch up. Anyways…
I really don’t get this who thing like bro, really? It's like saying, "I'm gonna become a youtuber, and if I don't get 1 million subscribers with my bread stick camera, I'll be so mad!" ever heard that one?
Now have you ever wondered why people like Oblivion, Thezi, Meggles, and Felinka are always on the pop reel? Oh that's right they don't make skins with blue pixels running down the skins' cheeks! No wonder!
So, if you’re complain about not enough views or someone randomly popping up and getting more subscribers than you in a day, ask yourself some questions. Like, “is it because that person appeals more than me or is something wrong with me?” People choose who they subscribe to, and who’s submission they diamond. No one just chooses to be on the popular reel, or wake up, make a skin and say "I'm getting pop reel today." The popular reel means that many people enjoy the submission. If you still want quit, go on, just quietly exit through the back door.
So, listen up people, for those are still level 1 and is thinking to start skinning because it just looks so easy, always remember, the real artists don't care about being popular themselves, they only care about the work they've put onto that canvas that you are currently staring at(so even though it's a teen skin, they still spent time on it). I mean, it would suck though if no one saw what they thought looked amazing…
So, to sum it all up, leave if you'd like to leave, and stay if you'd like to stay, and sure you can still make those "Goodbye" skins just to say goodbye, but don't come crawling back hoping that you've gotten the attention you've wanted all your PMC days.
Ehem... anyway.
Nope, this isn't a rant, it's just me being me and complaining about the society I live it, I have to do it once in awhile you know `*`