Aurik Schmidt, a German nuclear technician, knew that the apocolypse was coming. He had tried to tell his higher-ups, but they had waved him off, scolding him and threatening to fire him unless he started working on something 'worthwhile'.
However, the German knew that his research had been correct. He just knew it. It was obvious, really. The way that the climate was dropping, global warming had completely gone AWOL, and the reasons for the cloud changes. Not only that, but across the globe, a secret nuclear powerplant in Cuba was leaking out toxins and poisoning rivers, lakes, oceans, animals, even the air. What people thought was a pandemic in the US was really toxic gasses and water.
Soon birds had been infected with the toxins and land borders had been crossed, infecting the whole of North and South America, and quickly spreading to Europe, Asia, and Africa. The climate temprature had dramatically dropped, leaving places like Canada, France, China, and North America had become freezing wastelands, too cold for even arctic animals.
Unsure of what to do, governments had begun bombing these areas in case the 'newly descovered' toxins had infected animals and mutated them. Nuclear bombs were set- god knows why, really, because you can't fight fire with fire- and eventually paranoia set in. As Earth grew colder and colder, and the toxic water froze, and the toxic air was so thick it was like a green fog, and the nuclear bombs were becoming so destructive that even humans were going extinct...
Aurik Schmidt had completely given up on the sanity of mankind, instead writing a journal, making a time capsule, (just in case) and stealing HAZMAT equiptment he would need.
Schmidt knew the end was coming.
It was a matter of time- his last moves. Like playing chess with horrible odds, one pawn against an entire set of enemy queens. It wasn't if you died, but when. It was taking whatever you could out of spite before you left. "If I'm going down, you're going with me."
Aurik had long since been fired from his job, most others thinking he had finally lost it. After he had gotten all he needed, the human population was down to under one thousand, most taking refuge in the now-frozen tundra of Mexico. The last of human kind was desparing, knowing that it was the end.
Aurik Schmidt was the last human alive. He left the baren country town of Mexico and journeyed into the wilderness, trying to uncover what had happened to the remaining life on Earth.
He found many great discoveries, but it was a waste. His suit was torn in half, his feet and hands had been vicims of frostbite, his tank was shut off, he was bleeding everywhere, his eyes had been gorged out, he was literally coated in a layer of ice, and Aurik was insane. He had completely lost his sanity.
However, the German scientist didn't die. Weeks past and he stumbled along blindly and unfeeling, across the wide stretch of nothing.
He has forgotten something vital- when he was just a child, his single-mother had volenteered for her child Aurik to be an experiment of the new bionic skeletal frame. It hadn't gone quite to plan, but surgeons and doctors had saved his life nonetheless.
That bionic skeletal frame inside of him saved his life, but was no gift. It was torture. Aurik was forced to stumble along the hills of cold, blind and bleeding and mad- forever.
Aurik Schmidt walked along, forever in a Nuclear Winter form of Hell.