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(created 2015-10-15 16:22):
Gather round readers and let me tell you the story about the TERROR FROM THE DEEP!
It was a dark and breezy night, Ted had just finished gathering data about the local aquatic life and began packing up his equipment, he didn't lock anything, there were no pirates in these seas and the waves weren't rocking his boat. Because of the calmness and tranquility of the night Ted decided to go for a late night deep sea dive. Ted enjoyed diving, to see the fish swim around him, it's why Ted became a marine biologist, he loved the sea and it's inhabitants. Ted strapped on his suit, put his helmet on and secured it, secured his line (so he could go back upwards to the boat) and after checking his oxygen supply Ted walked to the end of the boat, turned on the boat lights (so he could see where to return to) and jumped into the water.
Bubbles trailed upwards all around Ted as he plunged downwards to the murky deep. One of Teds 2 spotlights on his suit was busted but there was just enough light to see everything around him when Ted's feet hit the bottom. He looked around and saw a variety of intriguing fish around him, he checked the water pressure, all was good... for now.... Ted walked to an area where his sonar has earlier indicated a school of fish. He was disapointed to see that no fish were there. In fact, all the fish around him had disappeared, this was quite odd for this area. Suddenly, Ted heard a noise, far off away from him, it sounded like a quiet "thump." Out of the corner of his eye Ted swore he saw a shadow move, he began feeling uncomfortable, he began returning to the boat. While moving back upwards Ted saw the shadow again and another "thump," this time louder, Ted was getting desperate, he started to panic and sweat. Once he reached the surface he scrambled up onto the boat and sat there on the deck. Ted tried to calm himself down but the constant "thump" didn't help, Ted ran into his cabin but left the lights on. Ted tried breathing, meditation, imagination but non of this could distract him from the fact that the "thump" noise was coming from directly under his boat. After an hour the "thump" noises stopped, Ted went back up onto the deck and looked around. When he was satisfied with his surroundings Ted returned to his cabin and went to sleep but remained in his suit "it helped him feel safe."
Three days later coastguards were surveying their place of patrol when they saw a ship in a restricted area. They hopped on the patrol boat and sped towards it. They found it to be a research boat. On it they found several items of no interest, records of the local aquatic wildlife, sonar equipment, but then they stumbled upon something interesting... or should I say, someone interesting, a skeleton inside a deep sea diving suit. The costguards looked at each other and wondered only one thing, What happened? A skeleton in a securely shut suit. Two punctures in the suit were found, and two other items. A knife found in the hand of the skeleton, and on the edge of the deck, still writhing, but just a little, a tentacle.
That is the story, please diamond.