It was during the dark ages. We lived in a poor kingdom called Chromositus, and we were forced to give sacrifices to the Dark Lord Chin-Chin.
Chin-Chin was fierce deity who had a dark, and corrupt soul. Those who gave him poor sacrifices or opposed him were ultimately doomed to live in Jacksonville, Mississippi for the rest of their lives.
We prayed to the gods, and they were willing to comply. They detested Chin-Chin, and had once exiled him from the hall of the Gods. The least they could do for us was to seal his eyes shut. Nevertheless, that did nothing to Chin-Chin, since he was one of the most powerful beings in our world during that time.
However, a mysterious man named Frank, who came from a distant land, drove Chin-Chin away. He was the only one who was able to fight Chin-Chin singlehandedly, since he had the blood of the Chromosomes, a mutation that occurs every thousand years.
Frank was welcomed to our domain, despite having a very lewd and childish nature. He was given many names; Filthy Frank, Francis of the Filth, Sniff, etc.
But the wise ones did not approve of him. They did not like him, and their ultimate plan was to get rid of Frank once and for all. The Shaman, the leader of the elders, detested Frank the most. Frank played many pranks on him, which mainly involved dead animals. The last straw was when Francis served raw rats in a can to The Shaman. Outraged, he and the seniors banished Frank from Chromositus for eternity, much to the townspeoples' dismay.
No one knew where Frank went after the incident, but it was rumored that he resided in the Nairobi Desert with several of his followers.
However, Frank's exile came at a cost. Chin-Chin came back, with his own army. Our town had very poor military, but that was until Frank arrived. We had many strong soldiers but without Frank, they were leaderless.
The enemy wiped out many of our people, and we were doomed to give Chin-Chin sacrifices again. His henchmen were no better. Plastic Pinocchio, Chin-Chin's second in command, took many people for his own sheer entertainment. He treated them like feces, and when he was done with his victims, he would leave them for death.
Our only hope was Frank. However, he was not here due to the elders' reckless decision. We were condemned to give sacrifices to the Dark Lord forever, until the end of time...