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(created 2015-10-19 16:15):
Sit down and let me tell you the story of The Ghost of the Moon.
Once there was a young Japanese girl named Kaiya Natsuko. She was 8. She lived with five other siblings. Her father was headed to war, sadly. Kaiya didn't want to say goodbye to Papa.
"Papa, when will you be back?" She asked him.
"Dear Kai, I will be back on the ninth full moon. All you have to do is watch the night sky." Papa replied.
Kaiya nodded, and Papa kissed her forehead. Papa and Mama bid their sorrow goodbyes, and Papa walked to the plane.
"Goodbye, Papa." Kaiya called.
Kaiya sat in her room that night looking at the stars. She looked for the moon, but she couldn't find it. Where was the moon? She decided to look again the next night.
Kaiya peered out her window only to find the same thing. The moon was no where to be seen.
Again, the next night, no moon. And the next night. And the next. And the next. Kaiya was beginning to worry.
"How can I tell when Papa will be coming home if I cannot see the moon?" She murmured to herself. Where was the moon?
One night, Kaiya heard a knock on the door. She opened it. There stood a tall woman with a mask on, painted as a moon. "Kaiya Natsuko. You are next." The woman said.
Kaiya panicked and slammed the door. What was that? From in her room, Kaiya could here the woman's raspy voice chant, "Kaiya Natsuko. You are next."
That night, Kaiya looked at the night sky to see the moon. But the moon wasn't normal. The moon was blood red, and it seemed to whisper the sound of a crying child. She heard knocking on the door. Pounding. She didn't open it. She couldn't open it. Not with fear squeezing her tightly.
The door swung open. There stood the woman with the mask. "Kaiya Natsuko, It's your time."
The woman's arms turned into long, slimey black tentacles and slithered towards Kaiya. She screamed in terror as the tentacles grasped her. She was drenched in fear.
"Kaiya Natusuko, join the Moon," the woman's almost robotic toned voice called. Kaiya was dragged into the darkness, and was never seen again.
People who had heard Kaiya's cries can hear them every night. Every full moon, the ghost of the moon would wonder the halls of apartment buildings, nurseries, and even children's bedrooms. Taking their residents to the moon.
Lol I suck at writing stories.
And making skins. :P
For the contest.