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(created 2015-11-04 02:54):
"War, war never changes."
Words that will forever be in the mind of any Fallout fan. A bit of background: Vault 11 was a social experiment in which the dwellers needed to sacrifice a single dweller in order for everyone to survive. In the end it was discovered that should no one be sacrificed, the computer would congratulate the dwellers on their selflessness. This was horribly discovered far too late, 4 of the remaining 5 dwellers committed suicide, with a single dweller surviving and eventually leaving the vault.
Now my skin isn't exactly based on this survivor, but you may think that if you wish. This skin has many parts of the different games, such as the suit from Fallout 3, but the Pip-Boy from Fallout 4, as well as some major inspiration from the Fallout Dorkly comics. As for the 11, it was honestly the easiest set of numbers that look symmetrical and look good pixellated.
Well there's my skin and I hope you all enjoy! Please feel free to leave comments, I can do requests, however it is limited to one per person, and let me know whether you want me to publish it on my pmc account or if you want it personally through the messages. Once again enjoy! 7 more days before we can enter the world of Fallout 4!!!