Description from original post
(created 2016-03-22 13:57):
ψ TαmℜιεΙ Aqυαℜιυs ψ
The beautiful Cloud Queen with wings of water. Backstory:
The King of the world in the olden times was the land, and he was mighty and handsome. Tamriel, from her lofty palace in the sky, found herself falling in love with him, and thus came down. Everywhere she walked, rain fell from above, and she was known as the Blessed One from the sky. When she finally came to the Earth King's dwelling, he saw her but did not love her in return, and banished her to the lonely realm of the sea as a punishment.
Many years later, the King sent explorers to search for new lands in the uncharted waters. Tamriel had not forgotten her fury at the King for her rejection and exile, and she called up a colossal tempest to come upon the ships and overtake them. Then she unleashed raging storms all over the earth until the King's palace was perilously near to being flooded. The King, now seeing what he had done, relented and married Tamriel, which caused a great stir in the kingdom. But the tempests stopped and peace seemed to reign.
Tamriel knew she was not loved even now by her husband- only feared for her great powers. So she mourned in secret and wandered the shores at night, wishing she had never come to earth- wishing she had never let herself fall in love with the King at all.
Then a terrible drought struck the land, and thousands of its dwellers suffered and died, leaving everyone in peril. The King himself was struck and the palace thrown into turmoil. Grieving Tamriel remembered the love she had once shared for him, and crafted a spring of water that would never run dry. When the King realized she had put compassion before her own misery and spite, and thus saved his life, he finally found love for Tamriel.
So the entire kingdom was serene forevermore, and the King and Queen's love never died, just as the bubbling earth-spring that even now is whispered about in the courts of neighboring lands.