I've deemed the species to be a sorceress, because of my inability to choose. She has 3 forms of which I will put into skins in the future. Magic includes enchanting, form-shifting, small portal creation, air shifting, and weak force fields. Mana is the main source of energy, which is considered a liquid in a form of vein entwined with her spine. When running out of this source, Magic is not possible, and stability is sure to decrease. This could be cause be sudden temperature changes, a puncture to the spine, or an over usage of magic. Loss of consciousness I deemed to be a contributing factor. A few other spells can be conjured with a spell book.
Traits: Obedient, Honor bound, Quiet, Insomniac, Thoughtful, Trypophobic (More to come, I'm just a bit ditzy right now).
Likes: Map making, Violin playing, Planning, Conjuring, Reading, Day dreaming.
Dislikes: Lady bugs, Grey clicking beetles, Sudden temperature changes, Medical equipment, Large crowds.
(RELEVANCE OF ALL THIS? : I love the idea and concept of magic. Maybe I'm a dungeons and dragons fan....)