I made this skin ages ago, and honestly, wasn't going to upload it. But, I've been dead for a while and thought you guys could use some kinda. explanation.
Sorry that I haven't been uploading skins as much as I usually did, I just haven't had the motivation to do so. Don't worry, I'm not really leaving or anything like that. Just skins will probably come out at a slower pace.
Honestly at this point you're better off contacting me on my Steam if you ever need/want to talk.
I could possibly be making a small update to my art blog sometime this week, so there's that still.
I may also start some kind of poll system, for skinning. To try to get at least one skin out a week. So.. if you're interested in that, keep an eye out.
But for now I'm going to crawl back into my Homestuck trashcan. Thanks for sticking by me.