Chemical wears a black sweater to keep her skin from getting frost byte and to keep the cold off, she keeps her hoodie up unless she is in a hurry and needs to dash, she wears a gas mask and one of her eyes is infected with some winter infection that no one has a cure for, though it has its upsides like being able to see more colours and more movement than a normal eye it hurts so much that the veins in her face near her eye are clearly visible unless she uses her hair to cover it, her hair has an unnatural green glow to it because its hiding the eye that is infected, she also wears some grey track pants with some tint of white from sleeping in the snow, her boots are blue with buttons and cords around them too keep the infection from her feet to spread, the bottom of her boots and tinted green from the radioactive snow that causes the infection into her feet, hopefully that gives you a good idea on her looks