Blue was a normal boy, livin' on the high road. He was a well known drag racer, and he worked on his car day and night.
On his free time he'd bet on other cars, play Pac Man, or even watch drag racing on his TV.
So this is how he got into drag racing.
He was late out one night, driving with some old pals in Elementary. All of a sudden a car sped up in front of him.
"Hey! You little-" Blue yelled, but was soon cut off. "Save it, Blue. We can beat him." Said Rico, in the back. "Beat him?"
Replied Blue. "Yea yea, in a race!" Sal joked. Blue wasn't sure at first, but after a seconds of silence, Blue sped up,
going 150. "Hey what are you doing we were joking!" Rico started shaking Blue's shoulders. Sal yelled in Blue's ear, but he was going too fast. Blue hit the breaks on the middle of the highway as another car sped by in front of him. Rico and Sal were
holding on the seatbelts. "Are you INSANE!?!" Rico yelled and kicked Blue's chair. Sal was quite impressed. Not saying
anything, Sal unfastened his seat belt and grabbed Blue by the ear and whispered, "I got a ticket to go see drag racing.
Want to come? Or even sign up to be a drag racer? It'll be fun." Blue was unsure, but as soon as he opened his mouth he was pushed to the back of the car and Sal drove us to a unknown location. There were screams as loud as the TV back at his
place. Sal got out of the car and opened the gates, where which led to a small area full of cars and a road. "I already signed you up by the way. I did it a couple days ago." Blue got on the wheel and drove into the road, and all the drivers stared at him. A whistle that almost made him deaf filled the air, and all the drivers hopped inside their vehicles. Blue followed a car, which led to the "Start." Every driver lined up, and the counting started.. 3..2..1.. GO! All the drivers sped up as fast as their foot hit the pedal. Blue trailed behind with astonishing speed, and soon he out drove all the drivers. The drivers behind him cussed and all of them slowed down. Blue flew past the finishing line and everyone shouted his name. "Blue Blue Blue!" the audience roared and stood up. 1st Place!