As some of you know my birthday was the first of February. Also thanks guys :> The things you sent me really touched me, and I even cried a bit ;v; I got a bunch of sketchbooks, drawing supplies, call of duty blacktops II, coloured pencils, a few shirts, and enough birthday cash to get the cosplay I wanted :D So I had a pretty great birthday. Also the art/memes/skins you sent me were hilarious/great/amazing/mygoodnesstherearenowordsgreatenoughtodescribehowmuchiloveyouguys... I love you all so much ♥ You made this impasta a very happy kid. As for what I did... eh, I didn't really plan much, so I just had a dinner thing with family since a bunch of places were closed due to the snowstorm in the USA that occurred last week/week before. The snow melted so I couldn't go sledding, but 'ey, there were a bunch of bright sides. NYEH HEH HEH