I've stated hundreds of times that I'm forever alone, but never went into depth about WHY I'm alone.
... I live in the Americas, of course...
And lemme tell you this: {almost} everyone there hates LGBTs.
Here, my school's thoughts in a nutshell:

just take away the two positive results.
"Pride"... something that is not in my classmates' vocabulary.
Every time someone is called "gay" they take huge offense to it and call the insulter gay.
Why is that an insult?
I went shopping with my dad and stepmom the other day.
I was cringing at all the pink and red hearts >->
My stepmom said "We should tape this for when [ I ] get a boyfriend."
Why would you assume I like guys?
Why would you assume that if I did, I would even get a bf?
Why would you assume that anyone would accept me?
Why do you keep assuming things?
If you know me in real life, and you're reading this...
You probably hate me now, don't you?
simple, everyone hates me.
and i hate them for hating any other sexuality other than heterosexual.