Description from original post
(created 2016-04-29 07:15):
-Suddenly feels the inspiration to skin again-
I'm back..?
Well, I've had a new obsession, that being Welcome to Night Vale, so I made dear Cecil Palmer.
If you don't know what that is, you should probably look it up on youtube^
Seriously, it's great.
Tempted to make Carlos
((Before I go, I must warn you. Don't enter the dog park, the dog park is not for dogs, do not approach the hooded figures in the dog park, hail the glow cloud.
Reference images (artist names are on the images)
-“The search for truth takes us to dangerous places,” said Old Woman Josie. “Often it takes us to that most dangerous place: the library. You know who said that? No? George Washington did. Minutes before librarians ate him.”
-“Comfort was the answer to all life's problems. It didn't solve them, but it made them more distant for a bit as they quietly worsened.”
-“Remember that misuse of language can lead to miscommunication, and that miscommunication leads to everything that has ever happened in the whole of the world.”
-"We chatted for a while. I don’t remember what about. Maybe the weather.
No, definitely the weather. I remember it was the weather, because we had to stand in awkward silence for a bit as we waited for the music to stop playing."
-"Night Vale is a weird place. No one else sees that, I guess. But I do. It’s not like other places. I’ve never been other places, but I know. I know what other places are like. I’ve read books. Don’t tell anyone, please. Don’t tell anyone that I’ve read books. I have to maintain my position and the respect of my peers. I’m a member in good standing of the PTA. I bring scones and they are always the first item in the pot luck to go. I take great pride in that."
-"No one listens when I talk. They hear, but they don’t listen. Even now, maybe your attention is drifting. Why pay attention to me? Why pay attention to Steve Carlsberg? “There he goes again, with his theories and explanations.” But I see them! I see the arrows in the sky. I understand what is happening."
-"Is that a Public Enemy cassette? Don’t touch that! You do not have hip hop access here!"
Now that we're done here, have them tunes.
Note, this is one of my favorites.