Description from original post
(created 2016-03-23 15:04):
Above is Masurao, below is Trans-Am M and Susanowo (also its Trans-Am version)
Trans Am:
Trans Am Susanowo
The Federation had trouble defeating 00 Gundam because of its combat
abilities and it wasn't long until the A-Laws attempted to mimic their
technology. Billy knew there was a likely chance Graham Aker/Mr. Bushido
might come to claim such a mobile suit and designed the armor themed
after Japanese samurai armor early on. The early prototype was much
closer in resemblance to the Ahead before Billy's team modified it later
with Union engineering principles and made it to closely resemble the
Flag as well as for high speed melee combat at Mr. Bushido's request.
The finished product retains the samurai styling of his custom
Ahead, but also has some stylistic resemblance to the Union Flag series.
Its backpack also bears a distinct resemblance to the Union's crest. It is armed with two beam sabers similar to the one used in the Ahead Sakigake.
Masurao Vs 00 Gundam
When a number of renegade regular soldiers take control of the
African elevator, Graham guessed that Celestial Being would be there.
His gut proved right when Setsuna/00 Raiser turned up, believing that
Ptolemy 2 would be there also. Graham/Masurao charged at his foe, though
Setsuna didn't have time for this. Graham then revealed his secret
surprise: Trans-Am. He charges again, only for Setsuna/00 Raiser to put
up a GN Field before activating Trans-Am, pleasing Graham. They engage
in a high speed duel, constantly clashing with each other. As they are
engaged in a sword lock, a particle beam forces them to break it off.
Graham looks to his right and sees Ptolemy 2 and the other Gundams
providing support. With his particles nearly spent, Graham swears that
they will duel again.
Later, in space, Graham pilots it again to watch the A-Laws &
Celestial Being's battle by staying on a meteor outside of the
battlefield. He watches the battle from nearby and concludes that
Setsuna isn't proving himself to be a worthy opponent. Before being sent
to the Eclipse to battle 00 Raiser, Masurao was given a series of
upgrades to become the GNX-Y901T Susanowo