Description from original post
(created 2016-02-12 10:19):
I know, I know. The hair isn't too extravagant, compared to what famous skinners do. But for me, ITS A PRETTY BIG ACCOMPLISHMENT! Anyway. Requests are open! PM me or leave the request in the comment section. Info On Requests. <--Brings you to my profile page, scroll down to find Requests info.
SO YAH. Hope you like my skin, which believe it or not I spent 3 days on...most skins I make I make em in one night. Also thanks for 76 subs!
P.S. I'm not desperate or anythang, but if you really like Melancholy, feel free to make fan art of moi. Also, I may use your fan art as my profile pic! Just base it off of this skin or my profile pic that I already have. I'm not begging, but plz. XD
Yep. I'm pretty weird.
~Melancholy, stay awesome