hi. this is my (low quality) contest skin.
it is based off my steam profile avatar/character/profile persona which is in turn based off of a WW1 pilot
he's gay and has a hat so i can relate to him
The screams of a million people filled the air as the shadows of a lumbering plane passed overhead. The city below was alight with action, windows darkened, people pushed one another down as they all scrambled for one thing - the bunker. Fortunately for them, I wasn't interested in such things, yes, I had a much more glorious target in mind and it lay in the skies above.
Adjusting the knobs and levers of the dash, the plane nosed upwards slowly and silently. I coasted along in the darkness of the night sky. It was almost calming, really. Clouds floated along on all sides, billowing and soft, like a warm blanket they surrounded the plane. I felt a drowsiness begin to come on, my eyelids grew heavy and dark as I dozed off for a moment.
I jerked awake with a start when I heard the roaring of a massive engine. A monster of a plane pulled along side me. Its rusty frame was covered with a thick layer of dings and bullet holes. Painted along its nose was the image of a vicious and terrifying face with bloodshot eyes. The windows of the cockpit were tinted over, but that didn't prevent me from identifying the pilot, it was him, the one I had been hunting for so long. That smirking jerk who had always evaded my guns.
He swerved in front of me, I pulled up and went above him to prevent clipping the nose into his side. I may have wanted him dead, but I'm no suicide bomber. His engine groaned as he started to turn around, my hands shot out for the controls for the machine gun mounted on the front. As it warmed up, I heard his fire off a few rounds, bullets flew through the cockpit and out the other side, whizzing by my head.
I shot off a few rounds when I heard a screeching sound come from the back of my plane, I had taken one too many hits. I unstrapped myself from the pilots seat faster than I had ever been in my entire life, scrambling through my bags, I snatched up a parachute and started to head for the door out the back when I saw it.
That smug son of a gun was careening towards the ground at a horrific pace. I stood a moment, taking it all in, before I threw myself out the door. The parachute took a moment to deploy, but finally shot out and carried me to safety. The wind dried away the sweat that had collected on my brow, and left me feeling refreshed for the time being. Floating down towards an enemy city wasn't the best place to find oneself, but I was content, I had got the sweet revenge I was seeking.
for those without a preview