Hi there and welcome
I am a new skinner on PMC. I went and asked alot of people already for tips and tricks
And it helped me a bit.
This is my first skin im posting on PMC
and one of the skins i myself worked on!
This is a Minister's Skin worn in the Hunger Games Mockingjay Part 1 and 2 By Egeria and other Ministers
I made this skin for the server PanemMC (a great place.. check it out XD)
And i thought there are alot of Peackeeper skins and Katniss and Gale skins, but no Minister Skins, so i went ahead and made my own. And i am very happy how it turned out :)
I want to thank Oblivion and Lilligant for the tips they gave me!
here is the link to see the Ministers outfit IRL
Enjoy :)
And Subscribe if you want to see my evolution of skinning
p.s dont have a head on it, so that you easily can put your own head on it, and feel like a minister :)