Description from original post
(created 2016-02-06 01:07):
Yup, I just posted my other skin least than a minute ago, butttt
I am too tired and my day tomorrow is going to be so busy I'm not sure if i can post it tomorrow or not, so here I am •ω•
Anyway, This is skin I think is really cute, I really like how the sweater came out, and I'm pretty proud of it, This skin is actually based off a really cute Anime-ish like drawing I found on the internet, i hope it's okay to show art you haven't made ...Sorry if it isn't okay! I just wanted to show what it was based on!
This is the picture I was talking about, I didn't mange to make the skin's hair in a bun, since I'm still pretty new on making them. I'm not sure though, I personally really like how it came out, Leave a comment down below of what you think of it~^^
Hope u enjoyed this skin~!
I'll go ahead and sleep now, Night~!!