Sorry for inactivity, I'm unmotivated, again.
Backstory - Acacia was the daughter of a king and queen.They ruled a small village named Deerton.Acacia wasn't your typical princess, she was a outgoing girl with a golden heart. When Acacia was little, she always wanted to be a human, but instead she was a Deerion.But, with antlers there was no way she could be human. She begged her parents to give the throne to someone responsible enough, but her parents wanted her to have the throne and wed. Although she may be a queen, she acts and dresses like a normal human teen.
Personality - Courageous, honest, rebellious, trusting, lazy, and immature.
Likes - Drawing, swimming, running, berries, reading, throwing rocks onto roofs, rain, and foxes.
Dislikes - Monarchy, growing up, when the sun is in her eyes, meat, fire.