Description from original post (created 2016-04-23 05:58):
I'm trying new shading XD
The Ainsel is like a fairy child. The Ainsel itself isn't terrifying, it's her mother that you need to be scared of... As if you hurt Ainsel, her mother will hurt you. Ainsel translates directly into "My own self"
A way to trick the Ainsel's mother so you don't get harmed, is when Ainsel comes down your chimney {yup she does that, santa style.} and introduces herself and asks your name, you have to reply that your name is Ainsel too.
Then when she starts wailing if you accidentally upset her, her mother will ask her "Who has hurt you, my love?" and she will say the name you told her.
If you said your name was Ainsel too, the faery girl will say "Ainsel hurt me", then her mother will say "Well if it was your own self why are you making such a fuss?" Then her mother will pull Ainsel back up the chimney.
When I'm older, if I ever have kids, I'll name my daughter Ainsel. So then I can be the bloody terrifying mother. -insert evil laugh here-
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