Bakaphone wasnt the only one, Buds.
Emophone is
ASUS Zenfone and their clothes are somewhat inspired by their case:
Link here, Its number 4
They are agender: Also the reason I decided not to go 100% monochrome with their design: I added the green since its the only non monochrome color in the agender flag; And I felt that no colors would be a bit boring.
Originally there were supposed to be Chesire cat on their shirt like the cover, But I decided it would be too complected, And did a normal cat instead.
More details:
*Im not sure about what their sexuality would be, But I think they would be
*They love cats. Cats are the only thing they live for.
*They were born female, However, They feel very upset when misgendered and called "a girl"
*They reason they are called emo is because when I downloaded a app to customise my phone wallpaper, I did MCR based designs and decided to call them Emophone
*The fact I choose them to be agender is forshadowing: I am agender as I upload this, But has yet to realize that when designing Emophone
*Cant decide if they are Sinnamon roll or Problemtic Fave