Description from original post
(created 2016-05-26 18:07):
I found my old persona from a few years ago that I completely forgot about. C: He has no name as well.. ;-;
I made a skin of him around a year ago, and this is 10x better, man
:Meetup Info:
Maybe this tem I won't be a failure
So gamerjellyfish and I are kinda lonely peoples right now and are going to attempt to host a meetup
If you're interested continue to read the text
Server: Hypixel (ip is -
Where: Arcade lobby 4 (go to compass and select slime ball, then the Nether star and go to lobby 4)
Time: 5/28/16, which is next Saturday
Time: 2:00pm / 14:00 Eastern time (I may or may not be on right then due to family matters, but gamerjellyfish should be)
What: We will play games or just chill and talk, doesn't really matter what we do :P
Who: gamerjellyfish and I will be in Arcade lobby 4 before then too and our in game names are
gamerjellyfish - gamerjellyfish
Sozbi - Sozbi
I don't mind if you friend me, but I don't think gamerjellyfish would like that (he won't answer my question ;-;)
Since gamer and I won't know usernames (obviously :P) /msg one of us to join the party
Since I've no idea what I'm doing, feel free to ask questions if you have any ^~^'
Sozbi has finally shut up from talking