Description from original post
(created 2016-04-12 02:07):
Heya guys and gals!
sorry i've been off for a while... only posting some skins and not explaining whats going on :-: BUT I HAVE A GOOD RASON!! I SWEAR!! I mean it! *Holds out hand to reveal a yummy looking raison* yum <3
a- anyway! So yeah... as I said I have a good reason, I have had a hard time studying for my Maths, English, Social Science and Italian test at school, and before that there was the easter break and my family had a policy of... "NO ELECTRONICS UNLESS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY!!" and I couldn't think up an excuse o)-(o buuutt luckily now term 1 is over and I get to be on here for two weeks! aaand another reason I was gone is... BIG REVEAL... I was making a website where you can request/commission art from me! (no commissions yet because I don't want to take your money xD... yet >:3 sooo anyway... yeah! if you guys could kindly help with my pmc profile description it would be greatly appreciated! I don't know how to organise it xD and i need cute divider things and boarders and cut little progress pars for skin requests and art requests. hopefully in the future i'll make another website for skin requests! but that can wait until i become more well known and people requests stuff more x3 hehe. anyway! yeah so... sorry for not being here! oh and with my art don't worry xD I don't use that bad pixel art style anymore! i'll post some examples of what i can do down lower in another spoiler thingy :P
whatever you wanna call them, basically she had the backstory when i first posted her but instead of art is was a science (and a bit of art) geek and she had an experiment go wrong which sucked her into a blank white space and she could travel time and space. One day she was exploring and found a paintbrush and an arm band with science vial slots in a present box, so she decided to take them, she put the vial holder on her arm and equipped the paintbrush, as soon as she picked it up, it became 10x the size of a normal brush. but it was really light (to her) so it became her weapon, also along her travels she found different substances, each time she collected some in a vial a new colour appeared on her hair (which was normally ocean aqua), the other thing is that the substances all did different things, such as wilt flowers if painted on ground (that would be the fluorescent green one) and other like the aqua one that brought plants back to life, crumble even the strongest ore and grew vines and moss, also a variety of others on a list to long to mention, she can also use the brush with normal paint to paint wings on herself or any other kinds of things (and the wings actually worked!) but most of her time she spends collecting things to put in the "blank space" I like to call "The Void". (hope you liked her story) xD
(also I've fallen in love with Undertale and all the AU's! I'm thinking of making one myself :3
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