Description from original post
(created 2016-01-29 09:31):
_Archie__ is here.
Well, this is maybe old OC, it was one of the first 2nd phase requests, so It's maybe kinda old, I'm really sorry, but I take my time... No one knows how many time I take... Well... It's over. All accepted request are completed. Some people's requests was cancelled, sorry... The most popular on there was: no refense images and too much OC's details too similar with original game characters they was use. I'm really sorry, I love PMC community, but we all have problems... That was first important news...
2nd is, I have some troubles with my notebook and my parents, so I think I will don't make 1 skin per day, and maybe it will be 1 skin per week, but close to summer, I wil make them every day... If I will don't feel bored. Also I'm sick... Yes, It's very hard times to me now, but you guys always giving me some motivation to make new skins! And I will make them on any hard or not situations.
So, it's also very little chance that I can give up with skinning. It's very little chance, but be ready for this, it can happen! :(
Better skin preview:
Thank you guys for supporting me!