Description from original post
(created 2016-05-08 20:24):
i tried out some new shading and i have to say that i really really like it! of course i called this skin Taxi Cab cause taxi cab XD
you may ask yourself "what does this skin have to do with this contest?! is juice going crazy??" well, i'm already crazy but thank you for your concern. this skin is pretty much me XD i've never entered a pmc contest before so i don't really know what i'm supposed to say about this...
i tried to imagine what i was like to other people but idk i failed.
oh whale
i'm morbid, odd, cute (well, people say i'm cute but i'm not, i'm evil), and i'm a mutant
i like putting flowers in my hair cause i can and it's more fun than playing softball outside at the YMCA
and yes, my hair is that long
i wish i was kidding
my hair is looooooooonnggggg
sometimes i sit on it ;n;
i found my dog's claw in my hair
it was great