Senseless, he wanders along the dunes of Ye'thral, day and night, in search of his lost guardian angel, Harēna. All but his dignity was taken from him, despite that he was once promised a throne. The land he grew adolescent in and ruled above had since been conquered by the bandits and thieves that now roam the same dunes and possess the belongings he once owned. Harēna, his guardian angel was assigned to him at birth and had given him the valor to prevail against the malevolent wanderers.
With all of his possessions deceased, he had nothing else to do than scour the beige dust-hills in search for his Harēna. When he was told that trained warriors and explorers would accompany him and that they too had similar quests, a greater purpose arose and a flame grew bright and powerful between those courageous men and women. They seek through the forbidden temples and dungeons with the surety that Harēna finally can return, remaining wary, for the ember guardians could appear at any moment with extreme destructive forces to use against the warriors. As they tread lightly, he ponders upon the golden future that could await. He has no reason to believe that she is still alive, but he never loses hope, as he remembers that she would have let that happen.