Saviour of arcade-goers, Bane of bullies, defender of the arcade, this is the quarter master
dun dun duuuun
(I changed up the design a little between drawing and skinning it, but whatever)
To summarize what's going on here, I'll just tell you a few things about this super rad, totally awesome super hero.
The red thing on his left arm is a quarter cannon, used for dispensing quarters into arcade machines, and shooting bullies in the head (not to kill, but to annoy. this thing may as well be a nerf gun he duct taped to his arm). He's got on lots of denim cause that's super retro ammiright.
I added the red bandana/mask thing to hide his secret identity.
Cause he needs one of those.
Cause he's definitely not one of the kids from the local school that everyone knows is the quarter master.
That would be silly.
He's got a glove on his right hand cause playing pacman and mario for hours on end wears down his delicate lil hands, and we can't be having that now can we?
So ye
quarter master
literally just wrote this up on the fly at 12:30 at night. don't expect it to stay like this forever.
When the arcade first opened, kids from all over town would gather after school, coins in hand, ready to try out all games it had to offer. There were all sorts of worlds to explore, conquer, save, along with all sorts of folk to carry out the task of being the game's hero.
At first, it was a place of relaxation, one might call it. A safe haven for kids, where they could just spend their meager pocket change on adventures in far-away, make believe worlds. That all changed, however, when the kids from the other side of town heard about the newly opened arcade, and decided to claim it for themselves.
They'd steal other kids' coins, spending it on themselves. They'd hog all the best games, refusing to leave until closing time. They even started beating all the high scores set by the other kids, which, as we all know, is the gravest of all crimes they could have committed.
It seemed all hope was lost.
But then, there arose a hero,
the Quarter Master.
No one actually knew who he was, or where he came from, but one day he showed up, single coin in hand, and started playing one of the less-loved games in the far corner. No one payed him any mind at first, but soon more and more of the other arcade-goers began to take notice of how high his score was, and more importantly, how lacking in coins he was. A crowd began to gather, as he started beating the top ten scores.
And then the top three.
And then the high score.
By the end of the day, all the other kids had gathered around the newcomer, cheering him on and watching in awe as he flawlessly beat level after level.
It was at that point, that all the kids came to a unanimous decision.
This newcomer was truly the hero the arcade needed.
Within a week, their quarter master had garnered so much respect for his godly arcade machine powers, that no one dared defy him and steal each other's coins.