Jammies and Slippers (The Original)
Posted on 12/30/2015, it was the very first appearance
of the bunny slippers and rocket ship, but in onesie form.
It seems crazy to think of how quickly my style changed,
because in January (11 days later) someone requested some
alts of the skin. My style had changed so drastically over that small
time that I knew I wouldn't replicate the old one to their
parameters- I would re-do the skin and then base their request
off the one they preferred. They liked the new one better,
and I made their requests (If you're wondering, they wanted pink
pajamas with red hair).
Jammies and Slippers II - The Sequel
That's a pretty huge difference for 11 days later.
So I posted it. It was my most popular skin at
the time at a "whopping" nine diamonds.
I'll never be popular
Moving right along, I really liked that skin and I wore it all the time in mc.
Then, a wonderful artist by the name of
Co_Okie_ came onto the
PMC chat and asked for things to draw. I sent a link of my jammies
and slippers II and she did an incredible job. It serves as my icon.
The full art is in the spoiler on my bio.
And so that's how I became known for my slightly to big rocket ship shirt and
pink pajamas.
Now, this is my style.

Let's just see a timeline.