Description from original post
(created 2016-04-24 18:21):
first of all, before we get to the updates n' stuff
ID LIKE TO THANK ALL OF U FOR 700 SUBS! Even though i did leave for a bit, it really does warm my heart that people still have an interest in my work! its really touching... thank u guys.. really
Hey luvs! its been about a month since ive been on
and its been about 2 months since i posted my "leaving" skin
with that being said i'd like to set forth some new changes that will be happening on my account.
Instead of being completely gone, im going to post skins whenever i feel like it, and i will not have a schedule
i also,
~ will respond to ALL PM's but not immediately (since i have school )
~ will take no requests (sorry they give me anxiety xD)
~ and will not tolerate any bashing of teen skins in my comments because frankly im sick of it xD
Every time i would post a skin i would feel horrible cause everyone poured their hearts out in the comments of my "leaving" skin and that made me feel like i was stabbing them in the back ;-;
At the time i made that leaving skin i was in a really dark place and thought that leaving was the best answer, but after being away, i realized that i still have the want to make skins, so im gonna go with what my heart says.
Im sorry to everyone who perhaps was glad i was gone? but im back now and im actually sorta happy about it xD