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  2. 2016
  3. Updates | #YouCanBeLouder

Updates | #YouCanBeLouder

by Spatscat

Description from original post (created 2016-02-11 20:20):


So if you may or may not have noticed, I kind of fell off the face of the planet for roughly a month and a half.

And for once i'm not just being lazy.

Everything was taken from me and I really had no choice.

I don't want this description to be miles long so if you're really that interested in what happened to me you can read herevv

I guess to start off I should say im really sorry.
I probably should've helped myself and told somebody sooner.
But I didn't because I didn't really care.
And I would also like to clarify that I AM NOT trying to throw a pity party. While I appreciate empathy that is given, my goal is to share my experience with those also struggling with negative self image and spread awareness around the seriouisness of this topic. Thank you.

During the summer and throughout the rest of 2015 I developed some.. "questionable" eating habits. I've never had much confidence to begin with, but with the start of my restricted eating it plummeted into a negative zone. I kept sizing down and sizing down the amount of food I was eating. And it was never good enough. I just kept going and going. I was never happy with my body or my performance in anything. So it turned into a long downward spiral. I cried myself to sleep every night; cried whenever I ate.
Eventually my mother saw me restricting and put me on the scale.
I was shocked to find that I had lost 10 pounds in about 3 weeks. She decided to take me into a doctor.
In August 2015 I was diagnosed with anorexia nervosa.

They gave me a big long shpeal about what I was doing and how it was wrong, and I was put on a meal plan to gain back what I had lost.
But it didn't work. I continued to lose weight because I was so stubborn. I shamelessly put myself through strenuous exercise just to keep myself from gaining, even though I was still eating very little. What I didn't know then is that my heart was ready to collapse from the exhaustion. And my mental state certaintly did not improve. I continued to spiral downwards. I started to get very depressed and have suicidal thoughts and even a few actions. I almost did something that couldn't be undone and I'll leave it at that.

Thanksgiving and Christmas break came and I became an emotional wreck. I sobbed, screamed and sometimes hyperventilated almost every time I ate. I would actively harm myself whenever I felt unhappy with my body. And my relationship with my family and all of my loved ones fell apart. I often expressed resentment towards my parents and family, and even some lashing out occured with my friends (which I all regret.) But I kept going. My motivation was to reach january so I could go to school and avoid eating again.

However my plan certainly did not work out well. On January 7th, I was taken to the hospital and admitted to an intensive eating disorders program, where I was inpatient (living in the facility) for about 2 and a half weeks. I found out that not only did I have to gain 20 pounds of weight, but my heart rate had been dropping to the low 30s at nighttime, and I could have died of heart failure in my sleep.
4 weeks later, here I am. Still in intensive care, but allowed to have visits home.

Anyways, I would like to spread awareness about a very important issue-

Eating disorders.

As you may have seen in the spoiler, I have a lot of experience with one. This skin is actually supposed to be a patient wearing a hospital gown.
Eating disorder awareness week is coming up so I'd like to start a positive affirmation trend to assist those struggling with eating disorders or even those who struggle with depression and self harm.

You're beautiful.
Please. PLEASE do not forget that.
If you hate yourself or if you want to lose weight or if you want it all to end.
Please remember that there are so many people that love you.
If you have self doubt, or if you have a problem with hating yourself, please ask yourself-
"Would my family think this is true about me?"
You're not fat. You're not ugly. You're gorgeous.
Mirrors don't lie but sometimes your eyes do. And trust me, it is a treacherous illusion.
I know it may seem like you're in the right. That you're just trying to improve.
But please believe me when I say that heading down the path of an eating disorder will land you in one of two places;
Dead or in the hospital.
By listening to your disorder you lose everything and everyone you love.
You sacrifice so much just to stay temporarily happy. And it hurts everyone around you.

I know it may seem harder than anything to let go of that self loathing.
That it's terrifying to step out into the darkness when you can't see.
But you have to trust in your parents, your friends, your partner- that what they're doing is in your best interest.
If you look at models, or magazine covers, and start feeling that despair,
Put it away. Throw it away. Burn it for all I care.
You can't surgically remove a rib to make yourself thinner-- it's photoshopped. It's not reality.
Before you decide to exercise to lose weight, before you pick up that knife, remind yourself of this--
Remind yourself of all of the things you have to live for.
You probably won't even have enough space in your memory for all of those things.

Your life is so worth it.
YOU are so worthy. YOU are worthy of happiness. Don't let anybody else tell you differently.
There will always be someone in pain if you are gone.
So many people love you. And you love so many people. Don't forget that.

Most of all, remember.

Your emotional pain, your eating disorder, your suicidal thoughts, are loud,
But you can be louder. 


If you support this cause and would like to help me spread awareness about eating disorders and depression, create a skin (it can be of yourself or anyone you love) with the tag #YouCanBeLouder. The only requirements are to put a link back to this skin along with reasons why you are beautiful. I hope I lifted somebody's day ;ww;

Thank you all so much for being understanding and THANK YOU FOR ALMOST 600 SUBSCRIBERS <333