Heyo everyone,
RESHADE TIMMMEE! Lol I decided to do a Reshade sense my last one didn’t go so... well. So I’m doing a holiday one instead! I’m also sorry I haven’t been posting like I planned. School is really busy do to the fact that break is literally in two days. And that I’m going on vacation during winter break, so I’m busy packing and that sort of stuff. Anywayy, enjoy shading~
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Same rules apply for any contest, again though if the hair color is not to your liking you may change it, as well as the eyes- if you want to give her a teen look.
Try to keep the color scheme the same, you may change the colors but only darker or lighter or different hues.
(Minor changes are ok also)
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Again there will be no prizes this time. Just for fun, but winners will go on my page for a week or more.
The due date is : January 10th
Tag : MomuChristmas
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Have fun~