Αίθηρ is the supreme ruler of the cosmos, controlling all of the realms and those living within them. He is considered the father of all the gods, since he created most of them. He is a being made out of pure, concentrated, aether. Despite being an aether elemental, he has mastery over all the elements. He resides in a purpur temple, located in the outskirts of the End. The temple is huge; being 1001 blocks squared and 112 blocks high. Αίθηρ’s personality is quite calming, he always knows how to defuse a situation; ending countless disputes between his children(one time he apparently disfused an argument between the fire god and the water goddess, a fight that could have caused the end of the world; or at least the nether). Although he reigns over the 3 realms unquestioned, he isn’t the oldest, nor the most powerful being lurking in the shadows.
The creation of the Four Elementals.
As Aἰθήρ had been creating the worlds, he began to grow tired. He didn’t realize how hard it would be to create something so vast and complex as the 3 realms. He needed help. So he called upon all the powers he had to create 4 other godly beings, sacrificing some of his own energy to use as their essence; their souls. He took the four basic elements-Earth, Water, Air, and Fire-to create vessels for them to exist in, and so they were brought to life. The Fire elemental he named Kåtos, Aἰθήρ saw fierce strength and determination in this being. His aura screamed Leadership and prowess. He had a head of flames and impenetrable bedrock armour. The Water elemental he named Thálana, she had a gentle personality, being pleasant to be around and elegant in her ways. Yet she was very passionate and driven to act when others won’t. Her head adorned hair the colour of sea foam and wore a dress as beautiful as the ocean itself. The Earth elemental was named Yn. Yn was very wise, being able to easily grasp new concepts. He acted as an adviser for Aἰθήρ, despite being his son. And Finally the Air elemental he named Ánemas. Ánemas was cold-hearted, although she tries to care for others. A rebellious soul, she pays little attention to others ideas and mainly uses brute force to get whatever she wants. Her body is nearly devoid of colour save for the blue pigment on her mask. Aἰθήρ gathered the four new gods together and requested for their help. Each god was responsible for certain aspects of the world. Kåtos for the lava and fire present in the Nether and the Overworld. Thálana for the oceans present in the Overworld. Yn for the diversity in the ground, along with the things growing from it. And Ánemas for the air present in all the realms, allowing mortals to breathe. Aἰθήρ then divided his authority to the four gods. The Four elemental Gods all still considered some of the most powerful beings in existence.