Oculus is a creature that exists outside of the normal universe. He resides in a golden tower of gold and bedrock; being unable to escape. Oculus is kind but somewhat uptight. He always try’s to keep up with the world, and is described by some of the gods to be kind of, snooty. No one has ever actually seen him in person, rather he only appears to others in their dreams. To most mortals, he appears to them as a relative or close friend, warning them about upcoming calamity, but sometimes he will conjure the most horrifying creatures in his dream realm and unleash them on those who have angered him. He only shows his true form to the gods and some select mortals who’ve earned his trust. Oculus seems to be able to predict the future, and uses this gift mainly for good. He always eludes to ideas of being watched, and insists that nothing is real; though usually in a calm, conservative fashion.