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  2. 2018
  3. Vivlios, The Librarian Minecraft Skin

Vivlios, The Librarian Minecraft Skin

by Zodus

Description from original post (created 2018-12-26 16:47):

Vivlios, The Great Librarian.

There was a time when literature didn’t exist. The idea of recording knowledge wasn’t yet a concept. People used to rely on memory, but memory alone proved to be unreliable. The gods needed to think of something that humans could use to keep knowledge. Kåtos, the fire god was first to propose an idea. Kåtos suggested that they record stories using fire. He entertained the idea that they could make fire recite certain stories, depending on what they burned. He wasn’t particularly sure how they could do this, but he reasoned that they where gods after all. Thálana, goddess of the seas didn’t like the idea, “It’s too... convoluted.” She said, “How could one possibly keep the stories straight if what was being said depended on what fuels the fire, and what if one simply wanted the fire to remain silent, would they have to put it out?” She went on to make many other arguments against the idea, To Kåtos’ dismay. She then spoke of her own idea. She created a visible system of recording data, using combinations of symbols to represent words and sounds. She called this symbol ‘the alphabet’ and suggested they be written on seaweed, that is where Yn, the earth god stepped in. “I do agree with you, but I see some problems.” Yn went on to explain, “I like the idea of a symbols system, but your system seems too complex, and seaweed isn’t very durable.” Though he had a point. Thálana’s system consisted of more then 30000 individual symbols, and seaweed wasn’t an ideal material to write on. Yn went on to present his idea, and then went Ánemas, the air goddess, who presented hers. Yet none of the Great Council came up with a realistic idea that the humans could use. The entire pantheon of gods fought over this matter for some time, the argument had become a sort of contest between the gods, yet with no clear winner.

Years after this discussion, Aἰθήρ, ruler of the cosmos, was going for a walk in the Overworld, when he heard commotion coming from a nearby town. Shapeshifting into a human form, he went to investigate, he found some humans and villagers holding something in their hands. “What are those things you are holding?” he asked. “They’re called books” replied a villager. “They’re used for recording information.” Aἰθήρ studied the book and it’s pages, asking about the symbols and things like that. He was astonished by what he had seen.

“Who came up with this wonderful idea?” He asked. “Oh, Vivlios the merchant did!” Vivlios was a humble man who traveled the world, trading with people for assorted goods. Hearing this, Aἰθήρ went to tell the rest of the gods at once, bringing a ‘book’ with him as proof. Aἰθήρ held a meeting with all the gods, and as expected, they were amazed. “How has this man succeeded where us powerful, almighty gods failed?” Asked Kåtos, “Surely he must have had some help, maybe Oculus came to him in a dream, or some other being aided this mortal.” So the gods went to where Vivlios was currently staying to confront him. Now Viv was understandably surprised to see the entire pantheon of gods at his doorstep, he rarely even got normal visitors. The gods went on to ask how Vivlios came up with this writing system. They eventually figured out that the man had genuinely come up with it all by himself without any help. “Clearly…” continued Aἰθήρ, “this man deserves a gift of some sort...

Sir, what is it that you seek most?” he asked. Viv replied, “Why, I have everything I want in this world, I am wealthy, famous, and I surely don’t need anymore!” as he gestured to a great collection of items and artifacts he has gathered in his travels. “So why don’t we give you immortality?” Suggested Aἰθήρ, “That way, you’ll never lose your beloved possessions. You will be known forever.” Thinking for a moment, Vivlios decided to accept the offer.

So the world had been graced by the gift of knowledge, and the gods outdone by a mortal man. And so Vivlios remains on this earth to this day, dwelling in his library of ancient tomes and artifacts, a happy man indeed.


Vivlios is a human endowed with divine abilities, becoming immortal. He lives in the Great Library, an underground structure containing every written document created. This library is on the verge of being infinite, many of those foolish enough to venture too far have not returned. Only Vivlios knows the true layout of the library. Being able to navigate the compound with ease. Viv sadly has no living relatives, so he often spends his time staying in the Library. This has made him a rather reclusive person, associating closely with very few others. Viv is also extremely intelligent, given that he created a writing system. Only a select few have managed to find his library, considering that the library never stays in the same spot, and even less people have come out.
